7 reasons why software development projects succeed

Ensure software success with clear requirements, user involvement, flexibility, transparency, strong communication, and thorough testing.

Focusing on success instead of assuming failure upfront

The number of articles discussing why software development projects fail has recently been growing, and you can find one on our blog as well. This should come as no surprise, given the research conducted by the Standish Group, which shows that over 30% of projects are anticipated to be closed before ever being completed, and over 50% of projects will cost twice as much as initially estimated. Whilst there has been a great deal of analysis focused on what makes a significant number of projects end in failure and how to overcome this problem, little has been said about shifting your mindset and concentrating on success instead of assuming failure upfront, which is why this article explains how to ensure project success in the first place.

1. Gather clear requirements

Gathering requirements and conducting business analysis are the first two steps in the development lifecycle, which determine what designing and developing a product will look like. After collecting and analysing requirements and additional business documents, a business analyst can determine what your client needs, distinguish it from what they want, and then translate those needs to developers to find the best way to complete the project. To avoid failure, be realistic and never promise something you cannot deliver. For more information on business analysis, you might find our article on what is business analysis helpful.

2. Detail project specifications

Once the requirements are collected and analysed, it is necessary to write them all down. It allows both parties to verify whether all aspects have been included in the contract as discussed and avoid any future misunderstandings. Examining conditions such as the general scope, deadline, payment schedule, and detailed system performance criteria is vital.

3. Involve end-users

Whether the software is to be used by internal or external users, it is essential to understand what they need. Ignoring this fact often leads to developing a product that nobody uses as the people responsible for providing the requirements failed to engage end-users in the project. Remember to communicate with both your co-workers and customers to prioritise their needs, as this will ensure project success. It is beneficial to ask for their requirements at the beginning, as well as for their feedback during the development.

4. Work on internal communication

Communication is one of the most vital aspects leading to project success; however, building a good relationship with your customers is not the only thing you should pay attention to, as effective teamwork within your company is equally important. The healthier the workplace is, the more successful the company becomes, so you should ensure that departments exchange information seamlessly and openly. When building a team for a new project, it is essential to ensure they have the right skills and can work well together.

5. Be flexible

Project requirements usually change during the development lifecycle. To meet the needs of their customers, vendors should remain flexible to face all possible challenges. However, some companies cannot do so as they refuse to implement emerging technologies and thus reduce automation. Not only does it slow down your workflow, but it also prevents you from providing a customer with the newest technology, which leads to losing a competitive advantage. It would be best to keep up with the tech industry to grow your business.

6. Communicate and be transparent

Always ensure you are on the same page as your customers and team members to avoid possible misunderstandings. Building a transparent work environment is a great way to speed up the company’s workflow. It includes organising weekly team meetings where those involved can update others on their work progress and monthly status reports where customers can share their feedback. Communication tends to be poor in projects experiencing problems; thus, keeping everyone informed makes your product meet all requirements and increases your company’s productivity.

7. Test, test, test

Last but not least, solid testing is critical to determine how the software will work in a new environment. This final software development life cycle phase is often ignored and completed quickly, leading to an error-prone product’s release. When performing solid and thorough testing before the release date, you can easily detect and fix any bugs that may occur, while involving end-users in this process allows you to ensure the system is user-friendly and works according to the requirements. For more on testing, see our article on the importance of software testing.

Software development project failures remain worryingly popular but can be easily avoided if you pay attention to details and carefully follow a chosen methodology. Every company is likely to experience downfalls, but it is the way you approach this problem which makes you either complete the project or fail. The first step is thus shifting your mindset from failure to success.

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