Small shift or a game-changing effect. Why does your company need a business analyst?
A business analyst bridges clients and developers, boosting communication, analysis, and technical understanding for efficient teams and successful projects.
Many companies today still do not cater to a business analyst role; instead, they assume that a project manager or web developer can take on this work. As a result, many projects fail, as there is no proper communication between the client and the developers. It is thus essential for businesses to carve out space for a business analyst within their team and hire someone who will be experienced in transforming the relationship between client and developer.
The role of a business analyst
Put simply, a business analyst intercedes between a potential client and the company which provides the product or service. A business analyst is tasked with understanding precisely what the client needs, even if they have to read between the lines of what they say they want, after which they pass this information to the development team. A business analyst is also responsible for providing a proper communication channel, informing both sides about potential changes.
Are they really an ‘analyst’?
The position is defined as an ‘analyst’ role because a large portion of the work is dedicated to analysing what a client wants and then determining what they need. Furthermore, a business analyst will often be tasked with understanding the team vision, making sure the views of both the client and development team are aligned, and putting together a solution if not. A business analyst is often viewed as a medium between the client and the development team, who understands the language of both parties and can provide a uniform solution that satisfies everyone involved.
The ideal candidate
What does it take to make a good business analyst, then, and what should you pay attention to while looking to hire one? The right person can easily develop agile skills, enabling them to communicate better with others. Interceding between a client and the team also requires being well-versed in the technical issues at hand so that they can translate them to a non-technical client.
Required skills
The most important and appreciated skill within business analysis is the ability to provide a proper communication channel through the entire process of creating a product. Some BAs also choose to further educate themselves around domain knowledge to improve the mechanism of translating the information. Knowing the product’s entirety allows the business analyst to explain it better. However, when searching for a BA, you should remember that this feature is unnecessary and focuses primarily on agile skills. An understanding of the IT sector is simply a beneficial addition.
Hopefully, now you better understand the importance of incorporating a business analyst into your team. Finding someone who is always curious and often asks, “Why?” can help your business succeed, improving how your team works simultaneously. Ready to publish that job offer?
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